Kaase’s Restaraunt was located at 53 E. Mill Street.

Kaase’s Restaraunt was located at 53 E. Mill Street.
“Food of DistinctionFR-3516 53 E. Mill Street, Akron, O. Off Rt. 5, Opposite Colonial TheaterBetween Main and High St. SERVING LUNCH AND DINNER11:00 A.M. to 8:30 P.M.Open All Year Except ChristmasOUR SPECIALTIESCrisp Potato BasketFilled With Creamed ChickenSteaks and ChopsHot Cinnamon RollsSouthern Corn SticksFacilities for Private Parties”AIR CONDITIONED
The elegantly appointed dining room in the Portage Hotel.
Owned by T.E. McShaffrey, Hotel Marne was located at 281 South Main Street. The 175-room hotel was opened on September 7, 1919 and managed by J.H. Bromley. The Marne was one of many new hotels to open in Akron in the early 1900s.
Construction on the current church building began in 1902, and was opened in 1905. The building features a German Baroque Romanesque style and was designed by Akron-born architect William P. Ginther. St. Bernard Church was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1989.
The Portage Hotel was located at 10 North Main Street in Akron. The eight-story, 170-room hotel opened on June 12, 1912. In 1935, the Portage Hotel was host to the founding of the United Rubber Workers Union. The Portage closed in 1969 and was repurposed for a short time as a nursing home. The building…
100 outside fireproof rooms with bath. Modern cocktail bar and Clark restaurant.
Sumner Street at East Voris, Akron 11, Ohio