Category: Market

East Market Street

The street has been called Millionaires’ Row by some and rightfully so. Before it was commercially developed, Akron’s East Market Street was populated by Akron’s most famous names. F.A. Seiberling (Goodyear), Ferdinand Schumacher (Quaker Oats), O.C. Barber (Diamond Match).

Second National Bank, United States Express Company, Akron, Ohio

Second National Bank Building

The main building was home to the Second National Bank, but more interesting is The United States Express Company just a few doors up the road, The USE operated from 1854 to 1914 as a privately owned company that forwarded parcels and freight. The company served the northern states from New England west to Colorado.   Modern…

Market Street, Akron, Ohio

Market Street

Very old view of the Empire House on Akron’s Market Street. The area is busy with activity as a trolley moves through the scene. By 1912, the Empire would be destroyed to make way for the new 250-room Portage Hotel.

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